Top Tricks For Keeping Your Kitty Happy And Healthy.

  • Cats
  • January 6, 2022

The poet T.S. Eliot said that a household will depend upon a cat. A cat that is healthy and well-behaved can be great for any household. Unfortunately, cats aren’t always the easiest creatures to live with. Here’s some great tips to help you get along better with your cat.

Keep your cat groomed. A cat’s fur must be brushed or combed on a regular basis. Do this often in order to aid in keeping your cat’s outer coat clean and healthy. It’s also helpful in reducing how much cats shed and how often they spit out those dreaded hairballs. A well groomed cat will be much more pleasant for everyone and will also help you keep your home clean.

If you want a cat to feel like it’s more comfortable, a heated tile may be able to help. You can do this simply with a terra cotta tile measuring a square foot. Heated in your oven around 200 degrees, it can be ready in as little as 15 minutes. Use an old towel to wrap it up safely before placing it beneath your cat’s favorite napping spot. Change it frequently if you like.

Taking your cat to the vet is part of being a responsible pet owner. Most vets recommend yearly check-ups. If the animal requires certain vaccinations, more visits are necessary. Cats must see their vet right away if they start having health issues, injuries or other problems.

If your cat is outdoors, it needs to have a tagged collar. Understand that cats may travel a long distance; therefore, if it gets lost, this tag will assist you and others in finding it. Some required information on the tag would be the cat’s name and your personal phone number.

Cats are generally nocturnal. This means that they will usually be quite active at night. If your cat’s activities are keeping you awake at night, try keeping your bedroom door shut. You can keep them from bothering you at night and getting your feet while you’re under covers.

Your cat needs attention and a lot of affection. Cats are looking for a response in kind in exchange for all of the friendly companionship they offer to humans. Cats are social animals and will thrive when they are included in daily activities and life. They’ll know they are accepted as members of the family if they get plenty of loving attention.

When your cat is riding with you in your car, ensure you keep their ears in mind. You might love blasting your favorite music while driving, but they enjoy softer sounds. Try turning down your tunes or keeping it off to make your cat’s trip better.

Cats enjoy heights. A happy cat is one that has a safe living environment. If a cat tree is not your style, clear off a sturdy shelf that he can jump up on. Install a small bed for your cat or a comfortable blanket.

Dogs will wag their tails often to show their owners that they’re excited to see them. A cat wagging its tail can have a very different meaning. In cats, wagging of the tail tends to indicate conflict or anxiety. If your cat starts wagging its tail while you hold it, you might want to set it down to avoid getting scratched and swatted.

Use a cat collar that gives name, address, and phone number info. Even if they’re an indoor cat, they may get out. If that happens, you want to be sure that there is a way for them to make it back home.

Your cat will thrive if allowed to say indoors. Cats that stay indoors tend to live a lot longer because they’re not exposed to the elements outside of the home. You should go outside with your cat every day to play and exercise.

Don’t ever let your declawed cat outdoors. The cat will be unable to defend itself against other cats or animals, risking injury or even death. Only indoor cats should be declawed. Make sure that only the front claws are removed. Leaving the back claws is no problem since they won’t scratch your furniture or floors.

You should never give a cat medication that is for humans. If your cat is ill, you need to take him to the vet to get proper treatment. Giving your pet medication that was meant for you can hurt them pretty seriously and it may even cause death.

If your cat is prone to regular hairballs even after brushing regularly, keep reading for some great tips that can help you out. Use pumpkin in your cat’s food to help with digestion. You can also mix in a little water from a tuna can with the pumpkin. Many cat foods have extra fiber or other items that solve this issue.

If you are planning to go back to work after being home with your cat all the time, it’s possible he may get quite lonely there without you. If this is proving to be a problem, consider getting another cat to keep them company while you’re gone.

Don’t offer table scraps to your cat as a treat. Human food is not good for cats, due to the additives and ingredients used and the ways we cook food for humans. A great treat for your cat is a little bit of egg or cooked beef or chicken. If you go by the feeding instructions that are on your cat’s food based on their weight and age, then they have a complete diet.

Cat ownership can be challenging at times, but it is always rewarding. Whether your cat jumps around the house or prefers to lie around sleeping all day, this tips will help you improve the relationship between you and your feline friend. You’ll hear less meowing and more purring then.

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